Angola's aeronautical operating system subject to international inspection


Angola's aeronautical operational safety system was evaluated in the last two weeks by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which was based on a process of inspection and supervision of the respective system and which had already been advanced in 14th Advisory Council of the Ministry of Transport.

According to what was revealed by the international experts who were in the country, the work focused on the fact that Angola had effectively and consistently implemented the critical elements contained in the Universal Program of Supervision Audits (USOAP-CMA).

The application of the program guarantees the country the implementation of ICAO norms, Standards and Recommended Practices (SARP's), related to operational safety, associated procedures and guidance equipment.

"The implementation of the program allows Angola to guarantee the fulfillment of ICAO SARP's standards and recommended practices related to operational safety, associated procedures and guidance material.”, states the official document.

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Among the missions of the auditors was the assessment of the capacity for supervision and inspection of the operational safety system of the National Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC), the investigation of incidents and aeronautical accidents by the National Institute for Investigation and Prevention of Transport Accidents (INIPAT ).

Work continued on evaluating certified air operators, training centers for licensed aeronautical personnel, air navigation service providers and airport operators.

In recent times, the structural reforms implemented by the Ministry of Transport in the aviation subsector aim to position Angola as a safe destination for passenger and cargo air mobility, in strict alignment and high compliance with ICAO standards and good practices.

It should also be noted that in 2019, Angola signed a technical assistance agreement with ICAO, to support the country in the process of implemented reforms, with particular emphasis on legal, regulatory and institutional adequacy, with the transition of the former National Aviation Institute (INAVIC ) for ANAC.


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