Snapchat changes name and launches glasses for short video recording



In recent times the Snapchat was able to attract multiple users who were looking for a social network focused on videos, adding a component to increase privacy, excluding videos and photos after 24 hours.

Competition has increased, Instagram has inserted similar features and other companies are betting more and more on short videos.

There were two solutions: complain about life or innovate. Apparently Snapchat decided to choose the second option and in a surprising action, it changed its name: now it is simply called Snap. The company explained the change in name that will better reflect the current phase of the company that starts to invest in hardware and not just in the application. However, the famous app continues to be called Snapchat.

In addition to the name change, a new gadget was launched ...

This is the Shows (could have found a better name), glasses capable of recording videos and making automatic sharing on the Internet. Some sources counted that the glasses were launched with resources for augmented reality, but, unfortunately that did not happen ...


Spectacles will have an affordable price of 130 USD, approximately 23.290,00 AKZ (using the official BNA exchange).

The gadget will be available in three different colors and has a lens capable of recording at an angle of 115 degrees. As for recording, the glasses will be able to record up to 30 seconds. The great advantage of this accessory is the connectivity. Spectacles features Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and can automatically transfer videos to the Snapchat app.

For the moment, details about the battery capacity and resolution of the videos have not been revealed.

See how it works

A very interesting movement of the Snap.


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