SOBA e-Music was officially presented. Discover the news.


Welcome to the future of music - this is the phrase that SOBA has used to promote its new online platform for selling music in digital format.

SOBA brought together musicians, producers, promoters and various other players in the music market on 18 in October to explain how the platform works. The artists had a chance to question how the earnings-sharing among SOBA musicians, agents and partners is made.

How to buy music on SOBA e-Music?

The service is an extension of the virtual store “SOBA-Store”, so whoever already has an account at Soba-Store will not need new credentials, their account balance can be used to buy music at Soba.

Creating an account is quite simple:

  1. Go to
  2. Please click Create Account Login
  3. Choose the option “Create an account now"
  4. After filling in the data and confirming, you will receive a reference that will be used to upload your SOBA account to any ATM in the Multicaixa network or even using Internet Banking.
  5. Want more details on how to load the account? Click here

But let's get down to business, how to buy even music

But, during the event, more news was announced ...

Ticket Sales Online

SOBA wants the most digital music industry and has promised the service to lower the cost of ticket printing, offering the solution to buy tickets online, without the need to print the documents, just by using a smartphone.

Partnership with 7 Mobile

The SOBA Store will come with its pre-installed application on all smartphones of the brand 7 Mobile, from TGI Group that brings electronic products aimed at the Angola market.

SOBA Radio Program

On Mondays, at Rádio Kairos, 98.4 FM, SOBA will have an entertainment program focused on the songs on the platform, news and… technology. For the technological part, the partnership with our team was announced, yes, the MenosFios will have space to share technology topics in the SOBA radio program.

And SOBA promises not to stop there, more news is coming…

If you want to review the release, please follow the video in our page on Facebook.


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