Sony and SmartBand 2



A Sony it does not stop, and the product of the turn is the bracelet SmartBand 2. The company again bet on the production of wristbands for exercise, which, very briefly, does not differ greatly from the former, other than the new heart rate monitor, the absence of a screen and the battery life that exceeded five for two days.

The bracelet is paired with an iOS or Android device, which vibrates when receiving notifications. It is also waterproof, counts the steps and controls the quality of sleep.
The Lifelog application, connected to the bracelet, “observes” the data linked to the user and, according to Sony, does it well because SmartBand 2 has earned the name of “multi-sensory life recorder”, giving people details about the activities physical and stress levels.

There are product forecasts coming to market later this month. THE Microsoft should not have liked the news much...


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