“Tech Trend”s: Automation, Cybersecurity and BNA highlighted in this 13th edition


Automation, the BNA's "embrace" of technologies and cybersecurity in the country were the topics that were highlighted in the 13th edition of "Tech Trend"s, an event held by the international consultant Deloitte, which analyzed the technological trends that , in the view of specialists, will influence companies and businesses in the near future.

Regarding automation, the event held last week addressed how Angolan professionals can focus on higher value activities, highlighting several global trends, such as the vertical Cloud, Blockchain and technology that is becoming increasingly physical, exemplifying autonomous drones and machines with a high level of automation in hospitals.

Still on this subject, the panelists present considered their predictions for the future of technological automation, in which men will be increasingly connected to technologies, whether by cell phone, smart home appliance or anything else, but at the same At the same time, the technology will have to be as unnoticed as possible.

Banco Nacional de Angola (BNA) was one of the most prominent institutions in this 13th edition, where he informed about his plans with the Blockchain, and informing you how the technology proved to be effective for the national Central Bank in times of Covid-19.

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Another subject that was also in the forum at this meeting of numerous specialists was about national cybersecurity, where it was unanimous that it is not only a cost for companies, but also a source of return, even if not financial.

This 13th edition of “Tech Trend”s brought an example of several situations in the USA in which projects are already evaluated, when they are going to ask for credit, for example, for the Cyber ​​Security rating.

Guests present highlighted the need for continuous evolution as “attacks” are increasingly difficult to detect because those who attack also take advantage of artificial intelligence, which is why it is important for companies to pay attention to the 3V's, namely, data volume, speed with which to access them and data variability.


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