TED Bengo takes place again after 4 years, suspended by the Covid-19 pandemic


It will be next September that the province of Bengo goes the second edition of the Technological, Entrepreneurship and Diversification Fair (TED), which aims to reconcile the potential of students, professionals, specialists, managers, entrepreneurs and startups.

Taking place at the Instituto Médio Politécnico do Bengo, the event will be held again to motivate and encourage students, entrepreneurs and startups to develop skills to solve technological, social, employability and diversification problems in the Angolan economy.

According to data revealed by the organization, the 2023 edition of TED will have the participation of schools from all levels of the education subsystem, and will award the best in the categories of best entrepreneur, diversification, exhibitor, game, educational game and innovation project and revelation.

BUT: Bengo: NGO promotes education and digital inclusion in the community of Santa Mboleia

The winner will be distinguished with the Master Feira Ted – Edições Pro prize, being the highest distinction of the event.

The Technological, Entrepreneurship and Diversification Fair is an organization of the Feira TED Group – Edições Pro, within the scope of the “project of education for science, technology, innovation and diversification"


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