FIFA 16 tournament in Benguela is already tomorrow


Over the years here at the Less Threads we have talked about few tournaments or electronic sport events in Angola and when we did these were always centered in Luanda. Although almost every week there are tournaments of some game in our country unfortunately the overwhelming majority have a bad organization that is either amateur or intends to use the inscriptions of the players to make money often leaving the players with prizes in the value to half the total of the inscriptions. This tendency has been contradicted by groups such as AGA , The Electronik Generation and os MK Titans which as demonstrated in the last ICT the quality of the work they have been developing in recent years.

But Angola is not just Luanda and the group's work  FIFA-Tournaments-Benguela and Lobito has been demonstrative of this. For some time now this group has organized FIFA tournaments, and despite all the difficulties they have encountered along the way, they have been growing more and more not only in terms of quantity and quality of players but also in terms of the capacity of the organization and the professionalism of your events.


Demonstrating this evolution and quality will undoubtedly be the FIFA 16 tournament of tomorrow. With a new set of rules more elaborated and the learning continues that the organization has had over time, the tournament of tomorrow promises to be one of the best organized FIFA tournaments not only at Benguela level but also at the level of our entire country until today. If we add to this the fantastic atmosphere created by the players in the last tournaments of this group combined with the attitude of welcoming new participants, the tournament of tomorrow has everything to be one of the best we have ever had in Angola.

If you live in Benguela or surroundings and you are a fan of this game do not miss the opportunity to have fun, compete and even win tomorrow from the 10 H in the condominium of Cetengo a great tournament of FIFA. For more information about the tournament, including the contact and rules, click on this link .


  1. That's it folks, come and participate, have fun and show that Football is also played with your fingers


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