Trading, what is it?


Did you know that many people during the pandemic started in the practice of trading🇧🇷 This does not mean that many of these people have been successful, in fact, probably very few have! The reason is simple: to do anything well, you have to study and practice. Moreover, this is not done “in a day”! It will take some time, depending on the complexity of the concept and your aptitude for it.

However, the reality is that the various confinements followed by the global pandemic situation have motivated many to venture into this practice of trading.

But what is the trading?

In a very simplistic definition, the trading is the exchange of goods and services, with a view to making a profit. Put that way, it sounds simple, right? But it's more complex than it looks!

In fact, people have been trading since prehistoric times, but today technology allows us to participate in an easy and global way in negotiations, in various types of markets, so there are more and more people trying their luck in this area and the pandemic just accelerated this whole trend.

By the way, in case you're thinking that the trading it's something specific to cryptocurrencies, isn't it! O trading has existed since the dawn of humanity, that is, it is not specific to financial markets, however, it is a term that is currently also used in this field: capital market, derivatives market, stock market commodities, money market, which include, for example, stocks, bonds, gold, cryptocurrencies, etc…

In this article, we will direct the trading specifically for cryptocurrencies, thus:

Trading of cryptocurrencies is the buying and selling of digital currencies, whose time is the determining factor to achieve the primary objective: profit!

It is an investment operation, carried out in the short term, often even several times, in a very short period of time, for example, hours or minutes.

O trading It is an operation that can be performed manually and/or automatically 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Bearing in mind that the cryptocurrency markets work continuously, there was a need to look for solutions for automated trading strategies, in addition to the humanized ones that imply a fully human intervention, in which through access to specific platforms, for this purpose, for example : Exchanges – exchange houses, cryptocurrencies, virtual – buy and sell orders are carried out in real time.

So, summing up so far, you already have the following information about trading:

  • It is a short term investment;
  • It can be done continuously;
  • It can occur manually or automatically;
  • It is often performed on proprietary platforms eg: Exchanges.

However, for a first input about trading, we would also like to alert you to something we commented on at the beginning of the article. Remember when we said that many people got started in the practice of trading during the pandemic period, but that probably few had the desired success. It is precisely on this subject that we would now like to point out something that you should bear in mind if you ever consider entering into the practice of trading, or if you consider it, ask a friend or acquaintance to do it for you.

Anyone with minimal knowledge of the Internet and the respective use of devices, such as a computer, tablets, smartphone, with greater or lesser difficulty, manages to use cryptocurrency platforms, so you will be able to practice trading, but there are still few experienced and successful professionals in this area. What we want to tell you is:

Anyone can do trading, but few are really what you might call traders.

Um trader professional is someone who derives from the practice of trading a considerable source of their income.

We are considering the successful professionals, that is, the traders that present effective proof of their results and with that changed their lives and that of many others, to whom they “lent” their knowledge.

Um trader Success is not rewarded for your time, it is rewarded for your results.

Imagine the following analogy, you may have already heard about the mini marathon races that are held in Portugal, for example, one of the best known is the crossing of the 25 de Abril bridge. This race has thousands of participants every year, in fact anyone who feels physically capable of running 10Km can do it. However, only professional runners are rewarded, as they are the ones who reach the finish line in the first places and even the best of the best are the 3 who reach the podium and these are the best professionals because they learned techniques (studied) and trained (practiced) in a determined and committed way, to succeed and they did. These are the only ones out of thousands of participants who are financially rewarded for participating in the race.

The same happens in trading, thousands can perform operations of trading, but to be good they have to study and practice a lot, to achieve success in this profession and become a traders.


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