Twitter turns 7. Who would say…



In 2007 it was the first time that I heard about the “so” 140 characters social network, Twitter.

Like most of the current users of the network, I did not believe much in that project, much because I did not see the objective. Now, more serene, I can say without fear of error: would not spend a week without using twitter.

A way to interact quickly with various contacts around the world, receive links from various services and, especially, to be able to choose which services to follow.

Anyone who still has questions about Twitter, can read this article.

Currently the network is about 200 millions of active users who probably do not live without it. And if I had contact with the network in 2007, it actually appeared a year earlier, on the 21 day of March 2006 was published the first Tweet and now, on average, we have 400 millions of Tweets.

To celebrate this date, a commemorative video was made available:

[Via]: Washington Times


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