Twitter Fleets, a version of Stories is available to (almost) everyone


Since November 17th Twitter announced that would be making available to all its users, the feature “Fleets”, a feature similar to Stories on Instagram, Status of Whatsapp and… of course, Snapchat publications. Fleets are tweets that disappear within 24 hours. The rule is simple: whoever can see your tweets, will be able to see what you posted on “Fleets”.

The functionality has been tested since March in Brazil, Italy, India and South Korea. For users in Angola, Fleets started appearing on November 19th.

Fleets is only available on the Twitter mobile application, if you like twitter only on your computer ... you will have to wait a little longer.

Like it or hate it, Fleets are here to stay ...

Not everything is good news for Twitter

Twitter announced that it will stop temporarily with the launch of “Fleets”, to correct “performance and stability issues".

At the time of launching the feature, Twitter reported that its intention was to make users feel more comfortable without having to worry about likes and retweets.

"If you don't have the feature yet, you may not have it for a few more days. We love that so many people are using Fleets and we want to ensure that we are providing the best experience for everyone".

The fleets were introduced with a notable lack of security features. Users are not informed when someone photographs a fleet, as when someone takes similar action in other applications, and users can tag accounts that have blocked them without notifying the user.

More news on the way

Like Fleets, Twitter is testing “Espaces”, which will allow group conversations through voice recordings, similar to its voice tweet function (which is not available to all users yet…)

Currently, this function is being made available to women and people from minority backgrounds before reaching the wider Twitter user base. If successful, the function will be launched later this year. Like Spaces, users will be able to see who is part of the group conversation and who is speaking. The person hosting the Space will be able to control who can and cannot participate.

So, are you from the team that liked the novelty or found this new feature terrible?


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