Twitter Launches 'Explore' Feature to Gather Relevant Content


O Twitter has launched a feature for users to more easily track what is happening in the world and find topics of interest to them.

With the addition of this feature, users can access a magnifying glass icon located in the bottom menu that brings together the most commented themes, live broadcasts, all Moments content and the field to search for subjects on the platform.

The "Moments ” feature that offers narratives on the most relevant subjects of Twitter through Tweets selected by journalists, continues to exist, and is now located in the same area as other features for user interaction with what is happening.

This measure comes at a time of high for Twitter, which broke record of participation, during the inauguration of the new president of the United States, Donald Trump.

For now, the feature is available only to users of devices with operating system iOS and you need to update the app to access the news. According to the information, the appeal reaches the devices Android in a few weeks.


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