Twitter will have section dedicated to news



O Twitter it has always been considered the social network of “gossip” (or gossip, if you prefer), which has led it to gain a bad connotation by some users. To try to reverse this situation, a feature dedicated to news is being experimented with.
In a press release, confirmed later by a Twitter spokesperson, the following could be read:

“We are experiencing this news feature on iOS and Android systems, as we continue to explore new ways to deliver the best content to our users.”

In the tab are all the current news derived from several information centers, each with a small descriptive text and a link that will redirect the reader to the news page.
The goal is to make the network a news point of propagation. Those who use must know well the power that this social network has to disseminate positive and negative information, with this new experience will be given a positive use to this tool that is twitter.


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