UCALL: Betting on the Digitization of Training


Since 2013, UCALL, a leading company in Contact Center and Customer Experience in Angola, has an Internal Training Academy, whose main mission is to guarantee the acquisition and reinforcement of the most varied technical and behavioral skills for its approximately 2000 Employees.

With a team of 10 trainers, and more than 7000 hours of monthly training, Ucall Academy stands out for its Integrated Training Plan, covering face-to-face training and online training, in a complete and integrated view of each trainee. With new digital trends reflected in new learning models, the pandemic has accelerated the adoption of telework by teams, and the Academy in its digital format has taken on a leading role in training not only new employees, but also in the ongoing training of the rest.

training platform

Since the end of 2021, the UCALL Academy has presented a renewed, intuitive and complete platform, with a set of new features. In addition to complete recording of the training path, centralized management of all content, trainees can access all available online courses through this platform. In addition to the technical and behavioral courses necessary for developing the skills suited to the needs of each employee, Ucall has also invested in providing a catalog of courses in other areas, for the personal development of its people.

Courses such as photography, design, Emotional Intelligence, are examples of training that are available monthly on the platform and that can be complementary to the training plan of employees.

"I believe that the Academy plays a decisive role in the qualification and training of our staff. Through our e-learning courses, which complement face-to-face training, we have been eliminating some prejudices in relation to distance training and we have streamlined new learning processes. Technology has proved to be a great ally not only in the way we train our people, but mainly as the right tool for a complete management of all the training of our employees and this, in itself, guarantees more efficient, productive and motivated." - Patrick Andre – Ucall Academy Coordinator.


  1. “The company has an excellent group of extremely qualified professionals for new challenges and the academy is proof of this! Congratulations Ucall, always surprising in a positive way.


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