[Games] Reasons to play Skyrim again


Although it is not a recent game Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim continues to be pretty heavily played, this is mainly caused by the existence of mods that let you considerably alter the game, adding new items, new quests, new graphics, or even new areas to explore , thus greatly improving the game not only increasing its size but also making it a customized game to the player. And the best of it all is that it's absolutely free.

Perhaps one of the most interesting modifications you can do in Skyrim is to change the dragons. If it is true that the first dragons we encounter are moments of great adrenaline, the truth is that after we kill some these encounters become more boring than exciting, since dragons have a mechanical, predictable behavior and often leave us think they would have been dropped from the nest when they were small. Keeping this in mind, stinkers12 has created the Realistic Dragons mod that greatly enhances the behavior of dragons, making you feel like you are facing a real dragon ... that is if this existed. With this mod the dragons will fly much longer, and lay only in strategically good locations or when forced because of injuries or by using dragonrend. In addition, the dragons have hunting territories, where they will intelligently and aggressively attack whatever they find interesting, whether it be animals or people, and may even cooperate with each other when they are in the same area. This means that it becomes much more likely that you will encounter this terrible adversary during your adventures.

Bigger is better, it's what they say and as far as dragons are concerned it seems to be true, at least that's what Entropy seems to believe in because he created the mod Great Wyrms that adds truly immense dragons to the game. Not only are these dragons twice as large as the larger dragons in the game, they are quite stronger than the other dragons. As if that were not enough, they are rather more aggressive demonstrating their hatred for everything that is mortal by attacking the player with all that has evil sees him.

These two mods by themselves are already good but perhaps the most fantastic mod is the Flyable Dragon Races 3: Burning Skies, of DiabloBlanco that leaves the player like that without any more becoming a dragon. It's what you just read, in a dragon with various "draconic" abilities like spitting out various elements and becoming invisible, which in itself is already a great feat since getting an invisible flying giant lizard is not for everyone. It is a great pleasure to cross Skyrim's skies in search of your next victim, but you have to be careful, after all we are not the only bug in the skies and we must not forget that we have added a few big ones to the game ... It should be taken into account however that Flyable Dragon Races 3: Burning Skies does not work if you have not installed also the Skyrim Script Extender mod since in terms of programming it requires more than the original Skyrim programming can offer. Fortunately we have a YouTube video that helps us in the installation.

These 3 mods give Skyrim a new life, but they are just a drop in the ocean of mods available to try out, and nothing better than picking the ones that tickle the hundreds.

And if you are really good at programming, how about you create your own mod and be the first Angolan to do?


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