Users continue to ignore misleading content alerts on social networks


The main social networks on the market tend to alert when there is content that may be considered misinformation or misleading. However, despite these alerts, there are still a large number of people who simply ignore them.

These alerts, as a rule, appear when there are contents that can be considered misleading or have potentially false information, but that do not directly violate the terms of the platforms where they are found. This includes news or information on certain topics.

However, although social platforms implement these alerts, a recent study shows that most users choose to ignore them.

Users of platforms such as TikTok, Facebook e Instagram, when presented with a warning about potentially misleading content, tend to ignore it and watch the final content anyway.

The study also points out that those who want to see the content also continue to share it with third parties despite all the alerts. The study points out that, taking Facebook as an example, only 25% of users who check the alerts end up not accessing the content.

On the other hand, Instagram claims that its value is slightly higher, around 38%.

This also demonstrates that there is still a lot of work to be done by social platforms, not only in informing about the contents, but in providing information that can help users to find information that is legitimate.


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