iPhone users are complaining about battery life issues


After updating my iOS to version 16, I noticed that the charge on my iPhone drained considerably, that I charged the phone practically twice a day, and that while using the phone the charge drained quickly, especially when connected to Internet, at first I thought something unusual was happening to my phone, until I went to Twitter and found this:

O iOS 16 it's been available for nearly three weeks and users continue to complain that the update has destroyed the iPhone's battery life. While a temporary hit to battery life is normal after a software update, something different seems to be happening this time around, with iPhone users still complaining two weeks later.

When you update your iPhone to a new version of iOS, there is usually a temporary hit to your battery life immediately after installing that update. This is because iOS is doing things in the background like reindexing files, photos, apps and more. This kind of hit to your iPhone's battery is especially noticeable with Apple's major annual software releases like iOS 16 because they are huge updates.

This usually leads to a flurry of complaints about battery life immediately after a new software version is released, but once all the background re-indexing is done, the complaints usually go away. This year, however, the complaints have not subsided and many users are convinced that iOS 16 has completely destroyed the iPhone's battery life.

In a survey of readers from our source last week, 63% of iPhone users said their battery life had deteriorated after installing iOS 16. This seems to be broadly in line with public sentiment regarding the battery life impact of the iOS 16. No Reddit, a user writes:

My battery consumption is much more than what I used to have. I work in the office and I don't use my 13 hours during the day very much, nothing has changed in my behavior. On iOS 15, I come home with 85% to 90% left. With iOS 16 it's between 65% - 75%. That is, in my opinion, A LOT when I'm barely using my phone.

Another user said:

My iPhone 13 Pro Max battery drains like crazy. It went from 11-12 hours to just 7 hours and it's very slow when I'm using FaceTime or PiP, sometimes when entering the settings, it's stuck in General. I know it takes a few days for the phone to get back to normal, but it's been almost a week. I'm thinking of going back to version 15.7, but I might need some opinions first.

What has Apple already said on the subject?

Apple has yet to comment on these battery life concerns for iOS 16 users. The company has released iOS 16.0.2 to the public with no mention of battery life improvements. iOS 16.1 is also currently in beta testing.


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