Use a WhatsApp account on multiple devices? new on the way


WhatsApp is on the verge of deleting one of its main settings, which has always been highly contested by users of the application: it is only possible to have one app account on a single device..

According to the highly regarded BetaInfo, the next update of Multi-device 2.0 will allow users to link their WhatsApp accounts on two or more phones at the same time.

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It should be noted that at this time, it should be noted, by adhering to the “Beta” version of WhatsApp it is possible for the user to connect the phone to four other devices, including computers or browsers. Once activated, you do not need to have your phone active or with internet to send and receive messages.

However, according to the same news, the Multi-device 2.0 update will allow connecting a second smartphone (or more) to the WhatsApp service. The secondary device will sync messages from the WhatsApp servers and not from the primary phone, as is currently the case.


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