Vodafone conducts first 5G tests in Portugal


A Vodafone on Wednesday (05), the first tests of 5G em Portugal, anticipating what will be the mobile network of the future. The demonstration was done in partnership with the Ericsson and 20Gbps speeds were achieved without cable connection.

The tests were performed in a controlled environment on Vodafone Portugal and included the transmission of files to two mobile devices under real propagation conditions at multi-Gbps speeds (more than 1Gbps).

In addition, the technology of “beam tracking ” and multi user MIMO, on which the 5G is based and allows, through distinct beams on the antennas, to transmit data in a much more targeted way, serving more effectively several users simultaneously.

Pointed as technology that will revolutionize the future of telecommunications, in addition to connecting people, it is believed that 5G will enhance communication between machines.

In practice, this means that with 5G mobile network you will be able to do streaming video in 4K without any interruption, enjoying the format as intended.

 This is a system that optimizes mobile communications, improving speed per user and achieving higher spectral efficiency. The tests have also proven to reduce the latency or response time of the 5G radio system, which will be a facilitator for reliable, high-speed real-time critical communications such as intelligent or standalone vehicles or remote robotic operation.


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