WhatsApp launches filters to better organize conversations


O WhatsApp is launching a new feature for its application, which will allow users to better organize their inboxes. With the new filter system, you can access the messages you want more quickly.

With this new filter system, users can quickly organize their inboxes to display only unread messages, all messages or just group conversations. It is also possible to place up to three messages as “sticky” at the top of the message list, for quick access to them.

As the names indicate, the “All” option lists all the messages that the user has in the application, while the “Unread” option only presents conversations with content that has not been seen.

Finally, the “Groups” section allows you to only show conversations in which more than two users are participating, which includes group conversations and communities.

This new filter system is being made available gradually to all WhatsApp users, so it may still take a few days to reach all accounts.


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