Whatsapp may be blocked in Saudi Arabia. What if fashion fits?



It seems that we have some publishers and readers who can predict the future, though in this case, we do not need such spectacular gifts to guess. Mobile companies will suffer immensely with applications that allow communication over the internet. Cases of Viber, Skype, Tango, Whatsapp… among others.

Whatsapp has become a talking point in Saudi Arabia, as the Communications and Information Technology Commission of that area is predicting that mobile phone companies will not be able to achieve the economic objectives for that year.

If you think that Whatsapp is the first to be “hunted”, you are severely mistaken, because the Viber already suffered the blockade there. The explanation is that communications can not be controlled using such applications. In Saudi Arabia, carriers are required to send the communications report to the government and obviously, in recent times, the data seem not to hit right.

In short, they asked Whatsapp managers to block or limit some services, so far they do not speak up. If the situation persists, goodbye whatsapp in saudi arabia.

This reminds me of the question in the title: What if fashion fits? (I hope those responsible for Unitel and Movicel do not read this news)

[Via]: Reuters



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