Windows 10 will have its first update in November



The first Microsoft update (and not Windows 10 called "Threshold 2”That was previously scheduled for October 2015 has been postponed to November 2015.

Microsoft has already released several updates for users who have their Windows 10 computers or purchased a new computer with the system already installed. These updates were simply updates of patches(Correction software); that is, they were intended specifically to address issues that affect operating system users.

But in November 2015, the first update of Windows 10 will take place in order to correct in its complexity all problems experienced by users who had development delays, problems with the use of touchpad, access issues, using the Start menu, freezing web pages. AND Other users were perplexed when their systems were unable to update, displaying error messages at times.

The "Threshold 2”(Codename for this update) is expected to include additional extensions for the new Microsoft Edge browser, a new universal desktop messaging application and other performance improvements. The update is not considered as important, especially compared to Microsoft's next major Windows 10 update, known as “Redstone” which will only be available in 2016.

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