Get to know the app that increases battery life and speeds up your smartphone


Everyone knows how difficult it is when the smartphone starts to lose performance. Be long for use, or even for a modest setup. This is why Psafe created the application DFNDR Performance.

The DFNDR application removes those unnecessary files that compromise the storage and cache of your smartphone. With just one click, you can get rid of duplicate photos, cumulative application files, unnecessary videos, and more.

The application will not work miracles on your device. It is only meant to give a helping hand in order to make your smartphone faster.

The Total Charge function monitors the charging and battery percentage. It prevents overcharges by notifying the user when the charge is complete. Close applications in the background, this ensures a gain in battery life.

WiFi Check function is used to test the speed of the internet and especially the security of the network that is connected. It emits alerts if the network presents a problem.

DFNDR Performance is only available for Android. To download it, click here.


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