Device tests blood and sends the result to your phone



Health and technology have gone hand in hand for a long time and this time the novelty comes from Switzerland, where scientists have developed the smallest medical implant with several sensors. It is a 14-long chip that can test molecules in the blood of a living organism and transmit the results wirelessly to an application for smartphone or tablet.

The device called “IronIC System“, You can detect heart attacks hours in advance.

The experts explained the science behind this technology: “There is a molecule called troponin that is released by the heart muscle three to four hours before the heart attack, once the heart muscle begins to malfunction".

The device is placed on the body with a sticker that adheres on a patient's skin, after doing the analyzes, the device sends the information to the application of the smartphone or tablet.

The bad news is that this device may still take 4 years to be available on the market. For the time being the tests have worked perfectly, according to its creators. The hope is that with this device, we can prevent many heart attacks and save lives.

[Source]: The Verge


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