Italy blocks TikTok after death of 10-year-old girl in social media challenge


The social network TikTok was temporarily blocked last Friday in Italy, for users whose age is not confirmed, following the death of a ten-year-old girl who was participating in a challenge on that platform.

The decision came just hours after the death of a 10-year-old girl in Palermo, in southern Sicily, was revealed by asphyxiation while participating in the Blackout Challenge, which consists of be as long as possible without breathing, and filmed himself with his cell phone for Tik Tok.

The registration of this child on the social network, which is very popular with teenagers, "was not refused by the company" despite the age, which was to infer the minimum of 13 years foreseen by TikTok, also underlined.

The data protection authority filed a lawsuit against the social network in December 2019, criticizing the “lack of attention to the protection of minors, the ease of circumventing the prohibition on registering minors and the lack of transparency and clarity in the information provided to users, as well as pre-defined settings that do not respect privacy ”.


  1. the Chinese laugh at tik tok made usa.
    pk the tik tok of china does not allow such actions… measure next in the remains of countries with vision


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