Netflix will end account sharing


A Netflix is ​​a global provider of movies and TV series via streaming, allowing its subscribers through its platform to share accounts with other users, but apparently many of these users have “unnecessarily” shared their accounts, and others have taken some financial gain, but now Netflix wants to end it.

In order to end this account sharing traffic, Netflix is ​​testing a pop-up which would prompt people to verify their accounts, apparently with the aim of reducing password sharing.

According to people who have already had access to this restriction, the platform shares the following message: "If you don't live with the owner of this account, you need your own account to continue watching".

Password sharing is incredibly popular on Netflix and other social media sites. streaming, where people can join a streaming subscription portfolio, sharing passwords with their parents, ex-partners, friends, or the cousin of a college colleague’s father. Restricting people from sharing passwords could force some to pay for their own bills - but it could also lead others to simply give up on Netflix and turn to one of the other payment options. streaming.


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