[Games] Revision: Game of Thrones


In most games if you lose it is a matter of loading the game in the last “save point ” and try again until you win ... but what if there are no really good or bad characters in the game? What if all the characters are morally gray with shadows of motivations, interests and illusion? Can you really win? This is the approach of Game of Thrones that brings us a fantastic story full of intrigues and mysteries and above all extremely unpredictable. Unfortunately other areas of the game fall short especially when it comes to gameplay. This is due to the low popularity of the game, seen wrongly by most as a game for fans of the television series. Although the game has an increased interest for fans in the series based on the books of  George RR Martin, this game has enough arguments to please everyone, and this game is not part of the principle that the player saw the series or read the books and introduces him to the world slowly and gradually like any other good RPG.


Undoubtedly, the Achilles heel of the game. The combat system though it is theoretically appealing (to remind games like Dragon Age ) not at any time well explained to the player, alias it is difficult to choose the class receiving so little information about the combat system and how the skills work, and this without counting the special abilities of the main characters that alter the player's strategy although he is only aware of them after at least half an hour of play, well after he has already chosen the class and assigned the attributes and skills. Even when the player realizes how the combat system works it proves to be repetitive to the extreme, with few variations in combat the player spends hours doing something in the style of: using the ability to bleed it, using the ability that causes damage extra for those who are bleeding, repeat these two skills until the target has no more blood on their body… Although it is clear that there is an intention to vary the combat (for example, the type of armor your opponent makes your type of weapon more or less effective), the truth is that combat offers little variety.
The gameplay is saved by a rather creative but rather functional chat system.

Graphics :

Graphically Game of Thrones RPG pleases. Being far from the brilliance of The Witcher 2 , is considerably better than other RPGs like Dragon Age 2 . The game also benefits from a more realistic and less "cartoon" and colorful look, which greatly helps the player to get into the game and the action. However, the lack of variety in opponents can become boring, the player rarely fights against anything that is not human and humans are generally copies of each other, changing only the colors of the armor depending on who your opponents serve. Although there is no real freedom of exploration, maps are rarely given the impression that they have already been at least local, although sometimes we are led to do different quests in the same places.


The sound of the game is another factor that pleases even though it is not brilliant. The sound of the environment is realistic though it's repetitive. The music appears in the right moments and helps to digest the bad combat system ... this is until the player ends up getting tired of listening to it over and over again (as in many rpgs). The voice of the actors varies from very good to horrible, fortunately the voice of the main characters are good.

History :

Here is the main reason for playing this game. Although at the beginning of the game the story does not seem to be anything special, as we progress in this the game looks more like an excellent interactive film than in fact a game. In the beginning we started by controlling two characters (alternately) apparently without any kind of connection. While we control Mors Westford, a black watch veteran trying to protect a girl, we also control Ser Alester Sarwyck who 4 months before the events of Mors Westford tries to reclaim his lands after the death of his father, the king of those lands. History has many twists and turns, often leading us to ally with whom we know to be our enemies and other times our allies prove to be in reality the real enemies. Despite the high number of characters and enemies never lose track of the story despite the fact that it is truly unpredictable, for example in one of the possible endings of the game whether Mors Westford or Ser Alester Sarwyck die. Alias ​​is one of the attractions of the story, when not even the main characters are above dying you never know what awaits us in the next chapter. Without a doubt one of the best stories created for games until today, at least matching relics like Final Fantasy 7 e Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic .


Another strength of the game. The first time I played, it took me about 50 hours to finish it, and I repeated roughly the same number of hours to finish it the second time, without for any moment feeling discouraged by the fact that I already know the main points of the story, having so many details that it could change and facts to remember. This is a game that can be finished up to 3 times without feeling bored, that is, if we manage to digest the combat system (which is better because of the easier difficulty to taste only the story).

Games of Thrones  (not to be confused with RTS) is a game that excels above all for an extraordinary history and pleasant graphics, which could be considered a legendary game if it did not have such a bad combat system and a not memorable sound.

The MenosFios team strongly advises all fans of the series and all other players who love a good story and have a good tolerance to bad combat systems.


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