Whatsapp status may return next update


It seems that many users did not like the new version of Whatsapp, since it has a identical feature to Stories. Some users demonstrated their discontent with the usual complaints publications on Facebook, which led to an action by Facebook (owner of Whatsapp). And apparently, the “Status” of the social network will return.

The good news has finally arrived, especially for those who did not like the new update of the social network: the old status option will come back. Confirmation came after the trial version of WhatsApp for iOS have recently received an update that gives the user the ability to put “phrases” on the profile and not make a Snap as it currently does. In the iOS version, the resource is named “Tagline“, Already in the test version for Android, the feature is being called “My About".

Unfortunately there is still no information on when this feature will be available to all users, but we believe that soon it will happen.

So, which side is it on, the current Whatsapp feature should continue?


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