WhatsApp prepares functionality to transfer conversations on Android


O WhatsApp is now investing in some functionalities dedicated to the different versions of the apps of this service. One of these innovations is now being born and guaranteeing that it is simple to transfer conversations between devices with the same operating system.

It will be independent of the usual backups and simple to use.

It is still in a development phase, but it promises to greatly simplify WhatsApp migration between devices. It doesn't depend on backups and should be something that will be used directly to transfer conversations in migration scenarios.

The novelty was found in the trial version, but it is still limited and not accessible to any user. It will be an option present in the settings and that will make life easier for users who want to change smartphones, as long as they keep it within Android.

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Apparently it will be a solution that will involve several steps to be performed by users. WhatsApp will guarantee users all the necessary help and access to tools for the migration to take place in a transparent manner.

In the end, users should be able to secure a migration without having to resort to backups and replacement via the cloud.

Overall, it should facilitate the process and ensure agility without having to resort to what is stored in Google Drive.

Even with this new option, users must ensure that backups continue to be performed. It's the way to have conversations present and ready to be retrieved in case of problems on users' smartphones.

This is a novelty that should appear soon and that will make life easier for users.


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