Consultório MenosFios: 5 contents you should not share on your LinkedIn


LinkedIn is currently the most highly rated professional social network worldwide, with more than 700 million active users. This social network is great for anyone looking to connect with other individuals with the same interests.

Therefore, taking into account its extreme importance for professionals, in this episode of Consultório MenosFios, and in partnership with Pplware, we are going to bring LinkedIn to the fore, suggesting to our loyal readers 5 things you should never post on the platform if you want to stay on the right side of professionalism.

Warn in advance that although this article gives advice on what not to share on your LinkedIn account, many employers present on the platform may not provide or give as much relevance to them.

So, check now what you shouldn't post on LinkedIn.

1 Photos Few Professionals

As is known around the world, LinkedIn is a social network to create business relationships and expand your professional network. So, avoid promoting your fun nights in your profile. This type of content shown on your chronological wall can reflect negatively on your work ethic🇧🇷 Also be warned that these types of photographs are a very bad idea for job seekers, as some employers may look at all of your photographs and judge you based on what you see in them.

Another very important thing, and that some users forget, is that posting inappropriate photos can violate LinkedIn policies, which consequently can lead to the suspension of your account.

2 Personal Information on LinkedIn

Nowadays, and even with these situations of spying on people, it is known that many companies sell people's information or even use it against them. Therefore, although it is nothing special to publish personal data on LinkedIn, we advise you not to publish personal data such as your telephone number, email address, address, or other information that may be considered as personal. Despite the fact that LinkedIn is a professional network, as we mentioned at the beginning of the article, and that you are looking for a job, avoid sharing your personal information🇧🇷 If an employer is really interested in your services or services, they will contact you directly.

Another peculiarity in placing your personal information in your profile is that you will be subject to Spammers, which will remarkably send you harmful links through your email address.

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Also advise that you do not reveal details about your personal salary, as sharing this information could lead to problems with your current boss or mistress.

3 Posts with Doubtful Information

We'd like to remind you that your LinkedIn profile represents yourself or your professional brand. Therefore, the publication of content with dubious information can lead to negative reactions from your followers, where it is advisable to avoid these inconvenient situations.

Without forgetting, of course, that employers will not want to hire you if they see you publishing this type of content, since nowadays, most of the employing institutions have in their standards a Strict corporate policy on what employees can and cannot post online🇧🇷 Another thing that is quite certain is that these types of posts are always created with the intention of generating discussions, which unfortunately do not result in very productive conversations.

4 Political and Religious Posts

Although at first glance they are matters of public interest, political and religious posts on LinkedIn can offend some people, without forgetting the particularity that these types of posts can alienate potential clients or colleagues with their views, as well as start discussions. unnecessary and jeopardize your job search.

Also inform that employers are always looking to social networks to get a sense of people's personalities and whether they fit into your company. So, when they see this type of posts, they may lose interest in contacting you for an interview.

In short, our editorial staff advises not to share political messages either, as they can make people with a different view lose all interest in you.

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Remember that LinkedIn is a global platform. The policy you support may not be relevant in other countries, so stick to topics that are industry-related or that most of your connections can relate to.

5 Negative Comments

Posting defamatory content on LinkedIn can get you into trouble. So if you're sharing misinformation about a company or person, there's a good chance they'll take legal action against you, including job loss and possible jail time.

So be aware. Avoid posting negative messages about your current or former employers on LinkedIn. This can damage your reputation, get him fired, or make it difficult for you to get a job.


This was the episode of Consultório MenosFios this week, where we hope it will be useful for anyone and everyone who has a profile on the LinkedIn social network. Now, we ask our readers to comment on it and to contribute with additional information they deem necessary on this same topic.

Any and all questions you would like to see answered here should be posted on the exclusive communication channel dedicated to the Menos Fios office.

We talk about the email created for this purpose: [email protected]🇧🇷 This is the only reception point for questions you send us. Use it to send us your questions, doubts or problems. Your answer will come very soon.


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