Finally, Instagram already allows the use of multiple accounts



After announcing the tests for access to multiple accounts on iOS and Android platforms which was only available to some users, Instagram definitely decided to release this access to all users once and for all.

Henceforth, users will be able to maintain a maximum of 5 accounts on the same device. With the increase in profiles dedicated to companies, or anything that benefits them in any way.

How do I add and toggle between multiple Instagram accounts?

  1. Enter your profile and click on the settings, it is located in the upper right corner
  2. Scroll down and click Add Account
  3. Enter the username and password for the account you would like

To switch between accounts you've added:

  1. Go to your profile
  2. Touch your username at the top of the screen
  3. Tap the account you'd like to change to the default.

This exchange process will be similar to what happens in the Facebook, that when clicking on the top of the application, the user visualizes the option to change the active account. And you can still add and remove accounts that are signed in to the primary account.


Already using as many accounts on Instagram?


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