Stay tuned, Facebook will implement hashtags starting today ...


Hashtags on Facebook

Do not know what are Hashtags? So you should not know the bluebird's social network, Twitter. Luckily we had some here special articles that will help you understand what this is.

If you're a little lazy like me, understand that “Hashtags” are words preceded by a cardinal. Ex: #Lesswires. This combination has proved to be a perfect formula for find content in real time. Since the creation of twitter that the formula has worked and by the way, facebook decided to follow the same heading from today (12 / 6).

Using #Hashtags, users will be able to see a stream of images, posts, and links as long as they have been tagged with the same expression. Ex: #Menophos (I think they understood what is hashtag, we now stop with this damn example). But not everything is perfect in Zuckerberg's realm, unlike Twitter, where this information is public, on Facebook the flow will be drastically limited by privacy settings: Users will only be able to see public and content messages made visible to them by friends. An important detail is that Facebook guarantees that articles imported from other social networks, such as Twitter, will also work with hashtags. It will also be possible to search for specific tags.

It makes sense, if I limit my profile to my friends, I just want to know what they are talking about at a given moment ... So Facebook gains another weapon for research, thus approaching the capacity that Tumblr, Twitter and Instagram already have ...

For now, in Angola, I have not yet seen any profile with the active feature, but if someone is lucky, do not hesitate and send us an image.

[Source]:  NewsRoom FB


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