With “Instant Games”, Facebook decides to bring games to Messenger



Facebook does not stop. After having invested heavily in videos across the board, now the company decides to invest in another crucial area: games!

It was evident in the launch of the new platform that allows you to play Facebook Messenger directly or in the game itself timeline (chronology, mural…). The platform was christened "Instant Game"And was released in about 30 countries with 17 games available, highlighting:" Pac-Man "and" Space Invaders ".


But before, Facebook had games, right?

Yes, long ago Facebook has those irritants “social” games like “FarmVille” and “MafiaWars” (which “require” sharing to earn more points), but this time the focus is on games for smartphones

With the impossibility of increasing revenues with mobile advertising indefinitely, Facebook must find sources of growth. Thus, the company has multiplied the services incorporated into Messenger, which has more than 1 billion members.


Of the 30 countries where the platform will initially be available, they are expected to be the ones that generate the most revenue for Facebook, obviously Angola should not be part of it. Instant Games can be used in the updated version of Facebook Messenger from the Android operating systems (from the 5.0 version) and iOS (from the 8 version).

Below the official video:

Looking forward to testing the new Facebook feature?


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