What is Twitter?



I believe that most people should think that this week began today (Wednesday), and I, as one of them, would start this publication saying that we are going to make this week of the Twitter no MenosFios.

We will begin today by explaining what the Twitter and how it works. We will talk in the next few days about the main twitter clients (Twitter applications) as well as some curiosities about this Social Network.


What is Twitter?

Twitter, as defined by Wikipedia, is a social network and server for microblogging, which allows users to send and receive personal updates from other contacts (in texts of up to 140 characters, known as "tweets"), through the service's website, by SMS and by specific applications management systems, called Twitter Clients.

The first step on Twitter is like in most social networks, it starts by defining its user. Registration is quick and simple and must be done through the official website of the service “www.twitter.com".

Once you have registered and the user has been chosen, we can start to Tweet (Send messages / Tweets) or search for people to follow. If you use the service through the official website, Twitter does a search according to your region and your interests registered to suggest some people to follow.

On Twitter we have 3 main columns:

1. Timeline: Where we have the Tweets of all the people we follow
2. Interactions: Where we have the Tweets of all the people who mention us
3. Direct Messages: Where we send private messages, which can be exchanged by two people that follow

It is worth remembering that Twitter allows messages (Tweets) with a maximum of 140 characters, although some Twitter (Twitter Apps) clients allow us to send more extensive messages, creating external links so people read messages that go beyond the 140 characters.

What is to follow?

Twitter came with a different concept of making friends on Social Networks. Unlike Facebook, for example, where we ask for friendship, on Twitter we simply enter the Profile of the person and click on follow and from there we receive all the publications (Tweets) of this person in our Timeline. There are some (increasingly common) cases where people privatize their profiles, and then we need the approval of this person so we can follow it.

Why follow people on Twitter?

We should follow people on Twitter because that's where it starts to get interesting, that is, as we follow people or Profiles (Ex: Less Than) interesting. It seems a bit strange, but receiving Timeline tweets about what others are thinking, Jokes, News, News on various subjects, etc., is something very interesting and fun, and Twitter has proved it.

Basic concepts that we should know so that we do not get lost on Twitter

What is Mention?
To mention someone on Twitter is to quote their user in a Tweet. Remember that to correctly mention someone on Twitter, we must type the user's name without forgetting to put the "@" before the user without space, for example: Less Than, @ Cognitive ...

What to tweet?
We can tweet whatever we feel like, things like what you are doing: you are doing, you are watching, you want to do it, you want others to see it, you are thinking and so on…

How do I read someone a tweet?
When directing a tweet to a particular person, we should mention it in the tweet. Ex: I visit the @MosFios; I follow @Cognitivo on Twitter...

What is Reply?
It's Twitter functionality that allows you to respond directly to a tweet.

Who receives your tweets?
Your tweets appear in the Timeline of users who are your Followers.

What Tweets can you read?
You can read tweets of any Open Profile (private ones only if you follow), but only receive in your Timeline the tweets of who you follow.

What are Retweets?
Retweeting is a quick and simple way for Twitter to share information. When we read a Tweet that we found interesting (or not) and we want to share with our followers, we can simply Retweeta it and in this way we publish a Replica of the tweet, quoting in it the original author of the tweet.

What are HashTags?
Tags are keywords that we use to group certain information. On Twitter we use HashTags to create topics. To create a HashTag, we must place the symbol "#" before the word that will define the topic's topic. Ex: #MenusBooks, #TwitterNoMenosFios, #Angola, etc.

Create your Twitter account and be sure to follow the Less Than. You will receive notifications in your Timeline whenever an article is posted to the site. By staying connected to our Twitter, you will be connected to Privacy Policy, and you can even exchange information with site administrators.

The best way to learn how to use and enjoy Twitter is by using it, so let's follow the Less Than and tweet a lot ...


  1. Very pertinent articles, a lot of analysis ... MAD PROPZ !!!
    Fewer wires and More information ...


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