Find out what is the product that Angolans most search on Google


angola_google_messagesIn popular culture, certain countries are strategically associated with certain products, an example is that Germany is associated with beer, Turkey is associated with carpets, while Japan is associated with electronics. I'm sure that a lot of us have already asked ourselves, what would be the product in which it is strategically associated with Angola and what Angolans are looking for more when they access Google? 


So answering the above question asked, early in the beginning of this month, the site cost estimation set up a map of all countries worldwide with the most searched Google objects in each country, using the formula of automatic filling of "How much it costs in [x country]". is visible on the map, that Angolans research more about food when they go to Google.

It is important to note that, these results are far from scientific, since Google's results vary based on the researcher's history, at the time of the search and the location of the search.


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