Ubuntu will have changes in the design of the installer


In February 2021, the first images of the new Ubuntu installer circulated. Now, the Canonical shared more details about the installer of one of the most used linux distributions.

It is noteworthy that the new installation of Ubuntu aims to give a more friendly and functional look, but there are also technical issues, according to Caconical (official publisher of Ubuntu), over the years the maintenance of the current installer becomes more complex.

Through the images revealed, it is possible to confirm the cleaner and more modern look, Canonical used Flutter, an interface development kit maintained by Google and open source (as it should be), to implement this new installer.

The beginning of the installation process has nothing new. The user is faced with a welcome page and selects a language. Then, the installer shows you the options to install or try the distribution or, even, to repair an existing installation - this is one of the new features.

The new configuration tool includes a handful of new features not available in the Ubiquity installer, including a new 'Repair installation'. We also found new page options for disabling Secure Boot, RTS, and BitLocker, as well as a page for testing Active Directory integration (where applicable).

See some more images provided by Canonical:

Details are available on the Canonical website.


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