Google now attacks Apple for OSX security flaws


Security flaws in OSX Mavericks

The "Project Zero”From Google is relentless. If security researchers find a flaw in a system, they will partially reveal the flaw. If in 90 days it is not corrected, they leave everything detailed to the public.

A Microsoft already suffered because of this Google method of “keeping the world safe”. Now it's time for the attack on Apple. And to start in style, information about three vulnerabilities (1, 2 e 3) all of them on OSX Mavericks.

Fortunately for Apple, these are not as severe as those found in Windows, since they do not allow remote attacks, but if the attacker has physical access to the machine, the story becomes more complicated.

Google notified Apple between 20 and 23 days of October last year, Apple did not resolve (at least two of the flaws) and they were revealed in detail, causing any experienced searcher to be able to exploit them.

Again we question, has Google taken the right attitude?


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