Angola to promote more access to information to digital media


The minister of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication, Manuel Homem, said yesterday(04), that the country will continue to promote access to information in digital media, in order to adapt to technological changes.

Minister, who was speaking to the press on the sidelines of the Forum of ICT Ministers of Southern Africa, in virtual format, said that the national bet will continue to mark press freedom as a guide, not only in traditional models, but also in digital media.

Manuel Homem also informed that, for the intended media, there is a need to continue to massify Internet access in the national territory. He also added that currently the executive has been developing several actions, namely the digital inclusion programs, massification program and internet access and the information technologies.

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Finally, the Minister of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication, added that the country has more than six million Internet users and more than 14 million mobile phone users.

"There are a number of programs, such as the entry of a new operator in the telecommunications sector, access to new network infrastructure, optical fiber and VSAT system”, he said.

In relation to the Forum of Ministers of ICT of Southern Africa, Manuel Homem said that the program included an approach to several matters, with emphasis on the importance of free, independent and pluralistic media as a key to the current times, the importance of access to information, ongoing work by UNESCO and the Ministry of ICT of Namibia.

"Convergent topics on ICT are being addressed, essentially focused on press freedom in digital media”, he said.

This approach, advances the minister, also has the need to ensure that information on digital platforms takes place within the framework of laws and established principles.


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