Created Africa Data Centers Association


Africa Data Center Association (ADA) was recently launched in Zimbabwe to support the continent's migration to a digital economy. Data Centers have a commercial and social importance of online services to society.

The ADA aims to initiate new projects and connect with existing ones in order to promote the African digital port. Its main objective is to make the industry aware of stakeholders such as government, the media and society in general.

The president of the ADA, Dunny Derera, said: "Despite the importance of
Data Centers for the African economy, they are still sub exposed in the media, politics, governments and society. We believe that the data center industry deserves adequate representation in these fields".

The new association will provide the first organizational body for African operators, a valuable resource that supports the best practices in the sector, an excellent network platform for the exchange of information and ideas ”.

Today, data centers play a key role in the market and are particularly relevant when companies are subject to Internet blackouts, such as what happened in Zimbabwe in December of 2017.

Africa is shaping its own future, and a large part of this destination is the digitization of its services. As the digital economy is all about data, Africa will need to develop its own Data Center network to ensure data sovereignty, bandwidth and latency, and to bring back the IT burden across the continent.

The Africa Data Center Association connects the main African data centers with each other - to stimulate economic growth and to promote and represent the sector to the world at large.


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