Dropbox launches new services to dethrone iCloud, Skydrive and company ...


Dropbox Developer Conference

Yesterday, July 9th, (company) DropBox held the “DBX" yours first developer conference in San Francisco, in this event the DropBox team presented a set of new services that were implemented in the platform.

For those who do not know, Dropbox  click here.

New Services:

The Datastore API(Data Storage API):


A Data Storage API provides a new model for data storage and synchronization, as well as files. When you use data stores, you don't have to build a complicated sync engine from scratch - you can add the power of Dropbox to your app in the blink of an eye!

With data stores, the application works very well, even without an Internet connection. When a user goes offline, the app can continue to work with all of their data locally. The next time the user is online, Dropbox will synchronize the data.

Forget the conflicts and combinations of changes when people use your application from different devices. With data stores, Dropbox can now understand the structure of your application data and automatically merge changes made at the same time. For example, simultaneous edits to a contact phone number and email address will be merged without any synchronization conflicts or any user action.

O Datastore Explorer allows you to see what is happening in your application, such as data changes to help accelerate development and simplify dramatically debugging.

Drop-ins :

 Drop Ins

Another tool introduced in the Dropbox Platform is Drop-ins, which allows developers to integrate their applications with Dropbox (which can be done with just a few lines of code). Drop-ins have two components - Selector and protector: The selector allows users to take the files stored on their Dropbox, inside the application, while the protector allows users to access their Dropbox account to save the data, with just a simple click. Yahoo! Mail, Shutterstock, and Mailbox already make use of the “Drop-in” tools.

However the highlight of the event was clearly about the announcement of the Dropbox user count, which is 175 millions right now.

DropBox does not stop introducing new tools to your system and this has increased the quality of services that the platform offers, thus making it one of the main competitors to win the preference of users, when talking about storing files in the cloud ...

[Via]: Dropbox Blog


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