Huawei registers patent for its operating system


A Huawei just registered the patent for its operating system with the name HongMeng OS (which in Mandarin means “primordial world” or “primitive chaos”). It is important to note that the application for this patent was made in 2018, proves once again that the brand has been working on this operating system for some time.

It is the latest installment in the series of woes that have plagued Huawei with US companies, however, according to the information now advanced, the Chinese brand operating system will support all the applications we currently use on Android smartphones or tablets.

According to Bloomberg, Huawei contacted developers to attract more applications to AppGallery: in return, the company would provide marketing support and "in-app store exposure to China." It would only be necessary to use a simple tool that adapts the version published in the Play Store.

Despite this, the Chinese technology had already been working on an alternative to Android and Windows since the end of last year, so everything seems to be progressing as planned.

In other words, the Chinese manufacturer will make sure that the user will continue to have an experience very similar to what he has had with the Android system.


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