Instagram will have ads on 2014


For some time now these rumors have been heard and read on the most diverse news sites, but now it is official. In the voice of its operations and business director Mrs. Emily White, Instagram has stated that it will have paid ads on the platform in 1 year.

These statements went to The Wall Street Journal in which the executive has not set any concrete date for the start of ad sales or how they will appear on Instagram.

Already since the purchase of Instagram by Facebook in 2012 we are waiting to see when Facebook would start implementing the ads on the Insta to start being another source of income for Zuckerberg. Remember that at the end of last year with the intention of making the Insta lucrative its new owners declared that they would start to sell photos of the users for commercial purposes. So many were the negative reactions from users that the Insta has backed down in its decision.

If the ads are so upsetting to the users will we see the same movie again?

Via: [The Wall Street Journal]


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