Playstation 4 has a new update


PS4 7.00 System Software Update Releases This WeekSony has decided to make a new update on its Playstation 4 console, version 7.00 will be released this week worldwide, and includes new features for the main features of the system, including the “Party"and "Remote Play“, Where the first allows doubling the number of participants from 16 to 16, making the game sessions more of a party.

In addition, Sony has improved the feature's network connectivity and audio quality, and increased accessibility with a new chat transcript feature. The latter converts all cats Text Party, and that text can be spoken by a robot in the app PS4 Second Screen .

Another great new feature of the PS4 7.0 system update is Remote Play on all smartphones and tablets com Android version 5.0 or higher, not just on devices Sony Xperia. This means that the feature is now on all major platforms, as the iPhone and iPad devices obtained it earlier this year. O Remote Play has also been updated for devices iOS “So that the user can display the controller at any time and block the screen orientation”.

On the other hand, players can now use wireless controllers. Dualshock 4 on Playstation 4 by Bluetooth No. Android, iOS e Mac through new updates in the Android 10, theOS 13, iPadOS 13 e macos catalina that will be released later this month. The update will be available later this week.


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