Cisco Announces First Artificial Intelligence-Based Voice Assistant


A Cisco announced its latest innovation, a voice assistant for meetings based on Artificial Intelligence- Cisco Spark Assistant, allows you to give instructions to the devices registered on the platform and makes it possible to manage meetings by voice.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) -based voice assistants are already part of our day-to-day lives. Hundreds of millions of people use these assistants regularly to consult weather conditions, to wake up on time or to find the best routes within cities.

Cisco Spark Assistant, is the world's first Voice Assistant for meetings, developed specifically for companies, was announced during Partner Summit 2017. The solution offers conversational Artificial Intelligence (AI) using MindMel technology.

The new voice assistant from Cisco will be able to perform many more activities, such as acquiring elements of action, preparing and sending summaries of meetings and assisting with planning and scheduling.

The launch of the new voice assistant will be carried out in phases, starting in 2018, and will be made available first to a small group of customers. The feedback from this experimental phase will later be used to improve the solution.


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