Snapchat Launches Feature That Allows Creation of 16 Groups Up to People


O Snapchat (13) launched a new feature that allows the creation of groups of up to 16 people, in a time when the social network is growing rapidly, seeks to expand its services before an expected public offering of shares.

Videos uploaded to a group will be deleted after 24 hours and can be opened and played only once by each recipient, just like the other messages on the social network.

The new feature comes at a time when there are reports that Snap Inc., known as the parent company of Snapchat, has secretly requested registration for a public offering of shares, where it evaluates the platform by more than $ 20 billion.

Snapchat, is one of the unicorns, a term used for technology startups with a market value above $ 1 billion and is used by more than 100 million people. According to the initial public offering, the social network would be among the largest in the technological sector in recent years.

The new feature that allows the creation of groups of up to 16 people, is available on Android and iOS system devices. With integration with the music service Shazam and also with the implementation of some Prisma for photo editing.


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