Weak or almost non-existent commercial exploitation of Angosat-2, reveals investigation


The commercial exploitation of Angosat-2 by public and private companies is still very weak or almost non-existent, where currently the operation is only in the phase of receiving applications from future clients, especially small and medium-sized companies and startups that intend to redistribute the satellite internet signal in the areas remote areas of the country in order to reduce digital exclusion.

As revealed by the News with sources from the National Space Program Management Office (GGPEN) and Infrasat, Angosat-2 raises doubts about the commercialization capacity of services and the purpose for which it was launched, as it cost 320 million USD and had, in the official speech, the main objective of “improving our telecommunications”, according to the President of the Republic at the inauguration of the Mission and Control Center (MCC) on January 27, 2023, in the Funda area, in the province of Luanda.

It should be noted that a long time ago the head of the GGPEN's Space Education Department, Gilberto Gomes, had reiterated that there were already several Angolan companies operating Angosat-2, such as Endiama, in the field of mining, management applications for the Lobito Corridor, State Asset Management, the National Oil, Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANPG) and monitoring the Angolan coast.

BUT: Angosat-2 will provide services to the Luanda Maritime Surveillance Center

Mário Oliveira, Minister of Telecommunications, Information Technologies and Social Communication (MINTTICS), at the inauguration of the Funda center, also said that the Government had started "contacts with countries in the region and beyond, to commercialize the satellite's capacity to provide connectivity services to entities and companies in the region".

However, from what the weekly newspaper reports, the search for foreign clients continues to bear no fruit. “To date, there has been no signed contract to provide connectivity services with other countries. We continue to contact potential customers abroad”, a source from Infrasat, the company responsible for marketing the retail services of the second Angolan satellite, revealed to Expansão.


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