Full coverage of television and radio is recommended by 2050


O Executive's preliminary strategic plan until 2050, placed for public consultation, foresees increasing television coverage, currently set at 40%, to 100%, in order to guarantee citizens access to accurate information. In this sense, it is also foreseen the extension of the radio signal, currently set at 31%, to 95% by 2050, and by 2030 the idea is that it reaches 49%.

As for the television signal, whose current coverage is 40%, the Executive recommends coverage of 57% by 2030, which should be total in 2050. Government plans to improve radio and television transmission capacity through the rehabilitation and expansion of infrastructure, expanding coverage throughout the territory. The strategy also includes the additional improvement of public information services, promoting content in the local language and programs aimed at rural and more vulnerable populations. Another government bet until 2050 is to guarantee a more modern, independent and inclusive media sector.

According to the document under consultation, the immediate priorities for 2027 include ensuring the sustainability of the State's involvement in the media sector, clearly defining the public media service to be provided, as well as implementing a program of restructuring and modernization of the different organs.

With the realization of this vision, it is intended that all citizens have access to diversified information and entertainment, of good quality, from diverse and independent sources. To this end, the media sector has defined a set of solutions that involve ensuring the sustainability of the State's involvement in the media sector, clarifying the financing model and the obligations underlying the provision of public service. In this regard, the Executive intends to promote the emergence of new independent means of communication, which accentuate competition and plurality in the national public space.


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