Instagram now accepts videos of up to 60 minutes in the feed


For Instagram lovers, here's a piece of information: IGTV, as we know it, is dead.

Instagram has just decided to change the name to Instagram TV and end some restrictions: from now on, there's no need to leave the main application to be able to watch longer videos that friends – and not only – share.

Second advances the portal The Verge, the idea will be to place the video on the same level as the images, which will mean that it will be possible to publish and view videos of up to 60 minutes in the feed. It should be noted that so far, it was only possible to glimpse a small excerpt of longer content.

Despite this new functionality, there will still be an independent application, in this case Instagram TV, which will function as «a destination for people to visit with the intention of watching video», according to an Instagram spokesperson.

BUT: Instagram ends with “swipe up” option

In short, anyone who intends to access videos exclusively on Instagram may get lost in this application. However, who just wants to watch one or another video shared by an influencer who follows, for example, can do it without leaving Instagram.

Remember that IGTV was born in June 2018 with the ambition of being the new YouTube, but exceptionally for the mobile universe. On that platform, users could find longer videos, but this possibility never seems to have gained enough attention and interest.

In August 2020, Instagram launched Reels, a feature that precisely makes available some of the key features of newcomer TikTok.


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